Sunday, September 20, 2009

More Projects

Coaster Set

Candle Holders

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Man I have been so busy here lately. I work all week long at the school and then I have my own business making personalized labels and stamps which is doing really good . I feel that I am always working. Even on the weekends. I had this bright idea to make these awesome frames and try to sell some and it just has taken a lot to get them done. Me and Casey have spent long hours on these things trying to get them ready for Christmas gifts. Not sure if we will sell any, but if not then I guess we will have lots of gifts for family. Here is a picture of all our hard work.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

WOW!!! its been awhile

Ok so I havent been on here in FOREVER.
Things are going great for us. Keighton will be 5 months on the 30th, boy how times goes by so fast. She rolled over yesterday and we were so excited. I didnt even see her the first time cause I had looked up at the stupid TV and missed it, but then she did it again right after that. I was one proud mommy. We are getting everything for Michael to start school on the 30th. He is nervous I think. He started his job at the school and so far likes it. I just hope he doesnt get his new truck keyed. lol. Here are some pictures of KG since I never posted any.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Well I went to my weekly checkup and everything looks great. I cant have her this week because my doctor is going out of She said that KG's heart sounds good and she is growing like she needs to be. I have been having very rough days. Yesterday was really bad. I thought I was going to have this baby in the living room floor. I got the sharpest pains, but the doctor said that it was ok. Me and Michael are putting stuff together this weekend when he isnt working or sleeping. We got the car seat out of the box yesterday and we need to read instructions on it for sure. We are ready to see our little girl. I am thinking she is going to be a daddys girl. I had my shower on Sunday and it went really good. Lots were out because of being sick, but it was still really fun. My sister made me a diaper cake and it was the cutest thing ever. My family went and bought us the big items so that really helps out. I finished up my birthing classes and still dont feel like I know anything. I am so nervous and might end up having a c-section which really makes me upset. I am just praying that things work out and we dont have to have a c-section. Michael has been home for a month and boy is it nice. He has been keeping things clean and helping out so much. He is still searching for a job. They are hard to come by with the economy the way it is. I am taking my maternity pictures this weekend so I should have some up soon. Also of Michael putting KG stuff together. Please keep us in your prayers

Monday, February 16, 2009

6 weeks to go

Well I thought I should do an update since I havent been very good about getting on here.
I am 6 weeks away and doing pretty good. I went to the doctor and everything seems to be going great. I feel like I am huge and nothing fits anymore. Michael came home last week and so it's been weird having him around and knowing that he doesnt have to leave in a week. We are still searching for a job for him, so we still havent moved because we arent sure if we are going to live around here. I have been trying to get stuff together for the baby, but its hard not knowing where we are going. Hopefully we find out something soon or we will be bringing KG to Mimi's house till we move. Please pray for us and I hope to take a picture soon.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I hate the Weather

So I went to the doctor today and I am to the point where I have to go every 2 weeks. Today was not a good day to be out on the roads either. I was told by my boss to stay home and not get out in it, but I couldn't miss my appointment so I had to come over anyways so I came to work. Let me tell you there are some idiots that think it's ok to go fast and cut you off. I also love the ones who ride your butt and you are so afraid they are going to run right into you.
Anyways back to the appointment... I haven't gained any weight over the 2 weeks since I went last and Keighton's little heart rate was down but they asked if she was moving a lot and I said yes so I guess they arent worried right now. I also found out that my doctor will be out the week before she is due, so I pray that she isnt early cause I really like my doctor.
I have been super busy getting some projects done for the nursery. I am pretty pleased with them except that I picked a long name and it took me forever. Now I just need to figure out where we are going to live and then I can actually put them up.
Michael should be coming home soon, but that has changed every week.
Please keep us in your prayers. Only 2 more months. WOW

Saturday, January 17, 2009

30 weeks

I have been behind on blogging. I missed several weeks so here I am at 30 weeks. With the holidays and everything I just never got around to taking a picture.
