Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today has been a cold and miserable day for me and sprout. I did get to wear one of my new sweaters my dad bought for me, but I hate the cold. If I got to stay inside in my pj's I would be fine.

We are about half way through the pregnancy and I feel huge. I keep telling my family that I have never had a belly, well except when i was a baby, so all this is weird and I just dont like it very much. I felt sprout move on Monday and it just felt like little butterflies. My mom was so excited. We did go look at baby stuff and I cant wait to find out what we are having so I can start buying stuff. Michael is praying for a boy. We will find out on November 12th @ 1:00.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We have some exciting news that we want to share with all of our friends. We are expecting our first baby. We were a little shocked at first but now we are excited and loving every minute of planning for our little gift from God. It has been a tough little journey here lately, but everything is going great and we are just praying for a healthy baby. Please keep us in your prayers and we will keep everyone posted.Love the Mills
