Thursday, January 14, 2010

Whats been going on

Well its been months since I have got on here and wrote anything. We have been so busy as a family we never have time for anything. Michael goes to work all day then to school Monday through Thursday and every other weekend. On one of the off weekends he has Army reserves in Amarillo to go to so he is always going. We have one weekend to get to spend together and usually he is so tired we stay home and play with Keighton. I cant wait for him to get done with the Fire Academy and get on at a station. I have been busy with work and being a mom. I feel like there is never enough hours in the day. I leave at 7 and return at 6 so I dont have much time with Keighton before she goes to bed. Keighton amazes me everyday. She is so smart and so advanced. She is 9 months old and weighs 18 lbs. She is starting to walk, as long as we hold a toy or cell phone out. She will take a couple of steps and then decide crawling is much better and faster. She loves being around other kids and she is just a socal butterfly. Not at all like me.
My family is getting ready for a new member of the family. Mr. Carson McKinley Stevens should be here the first of February unless Chelseas blood pressure doesnt go down and then we will find out next week if she has to have a c-section. I am so ready to see him and hold him. I think they are going to be wonderful parents and his nursery looks like it come out of a magazine. It is so cute. Chelsea has the best decorating ideas.
I am going to try and keep up with my blog better and I will be posting pictures of Keighton soon.

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