Sunday, August 23, 2009

WOW!!! its been awhile

Ok so I havent been on here in FOREVER.
Things are going great for us. Keighton will be 5 months on the 30th, boy how times goes by so fast. She rolled over yesterday and we were so excited. I didnt even see her the first time cause I had looked up at the stupid TV and missed it, but then she did it again right after that. I was one proud mommy. We are getting everything for Michael to start school on the 30th. He is nervous I think. He started his job at the school and so far likes it. I just hope he doesnt get his new truck keyed. lol. Here are some pictures of KG since I never posted any.

1 comment:

Whitney Albus said...

I'm so glad you decided to start blog again. Keighton is so adorable. I can't believe she's nearly 5 months...time goes too fast!!!
